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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Top Programming Languages with Niche Languages

Always, Java remains one of the most dominant languages in use and also some-more languages are still remains solidly in top tier of languages list like JavaScript, C++, C#, PHP, Python.Other-than usual languages, sometimes more niche languages also needed, such as R and Go. Here are the some Index ranks programming languages monthly based on web searches, some raw data, and etc..,

TIOBE made the measurement by using the web searches across a number of search engines. Moreover 25 search engines are used to calculate the TIOBE index. The selected search engines are the 25 highest ranked websites of Alexa. Popular search engines such as GoogleBingYahoo!, WikipediaAmazonYouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. It is important to note that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.

PYPL(PopularitY of Programming Language) also ranked the programming languages based on web searches. Mostly it looks at raw data comes from Google Trends i.e Google searches for tutorials about a language, rather than just any search for a language name. PYPL tells that Java is still the number one language, since 2004, with a 27.2% share, slightly got increased from last year(2013). PHP and Python are in respective 2nd and 3rd places with more than 10% share. C++ is in #5 place on the PYPL list, same as it was last year, with the smaller share of 8.8% share. Anyhow C++ is losing its measurement in 2004.
Because of the share loss in C++, C# went one step upwards to #4.

RedMonk takes a different approach to make the ranking table i.e RedMonk looks at the combination of GitHub data and Stack Exchange popularity. From June onwards, Java and JavaScript were tied at #1 position.Respectively PHP, Python, C# are in #3, #4, #5th positions. For 6th position C++ is tied with Ruby. The RedMonk index haven’t changed much at the top of the list. Sometime more niche languages also in best list, however, are showing strong growth in this measure. R has shown gains in the last four rankings, driven mainly by growth in GitHub activity, and is currently ranked #13 (21st on TIOBE, not ranked by PYPL). Go is also on the way up, currently at #21 on Redmonk (#38 on TIOBE) and is expected to crack the top 20 soon.

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