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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Eclipse and Ubuntu working together - To Solve the Eclipse issue under Ubuntu.

Eclipse platform team worked together with the Canonical Ubuntu team to solve the broken menu issue of Eclipse under Ubuntu. This fix is available from Ubuntu 14.04.
It just to be the case that the menu of the Eclipse IDE did not work out of the box under Ubuntu and you had to use several tricks to make Eclipse work. This was relatively hard to discover for new users of Eclipse under Ubuntu and increased the barrier in using Eclipse.
Eclipse platform team reached out to the Ubuntu team and William Hua from Canonical did solve this issue. William and the whole team from Ubuntu for that effort, they could also have pushed the issue back to the Eclipse side. But they went through the extra effort to solve it on their Ubuntu side. Kudos to them!
Just ping  Ubuntu Launchpad bug report for Eclipse menu Issue.

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